Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love you, Tomorrow

You can start singing the song from Annie if you would like... I will wait... Done Waiting! So tomorrow is when I take my boo bear to the developmental pediatrician to see where we go from here. Most of me is actually excited to get something moving - the rest of me is scared to death. You never want your child to be the one with the 'label'. Well I take that back, I would love him to be labeled lovable, adorable, smart, funny, cute - you know all the good things. Special Needs is not something I want for my child. I know that by thinking this way, I am helping to perpetuate the negative connotations, but I cant help it. We all made fun of those kids in Elementary and then we felt bad in High School, so we joined the buddies programs to help Special Needs kids adjust. Now as parents, we try to teach our kids not to stare, but can't help doing it ourselves. Point of todays babbling is I just want him to be okay. I can deal with a speech delay, I don't know that I can deal with much more.....

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